Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I finished The Confusion last night. I can admit now to having had doubts about it when I began - mainly from worrying about the faults of it's precursor. I was pleased to see that the sophomore work dispatched with the frame story, and alternated between the two strands of the plot. This was aided by the reliance of both strands on events from the other, and the whole book felt like a single work. That feeling redeemed the series for me. I'm looking forward to grabbing the third installment shortly to find out the conclusion of the work.

As for a plot synopsis, the book follows up on "Section Three" of Quicksilver as well as following the adventures of Jack in captivity. Beyond saying that, at this point I really must recommend actually reading the books. They are worthwhile and well written, and I'm restraining myself from having the last one overnighted to me. I'm not sure that I'll be able to.

In other news, Neil's got Coraline coming to the big screen. I'm not sold on Dakota Fanning as the voice of the protagonist, but we shall see.

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